Monday, October 18, 2010

Life is but a vapor

Today, one of my neighbors, Dorothy, unexpectedly passed away; she just never woke up. What a reminder of how fragile life is and how we are never promised the tomorrows. She was a Christian, so I will rejoice that she is now with the Lord and cured of all her pains and illnesses. My family and I went by this evening to express our condolences and we were all talking about how she was out walking her dog last night.

It's a reminder to live for now and don't wait to do what needs doing; say what needs saying; and love all who come our way.

How many times have we all said, "I'll get around to it," or, "There's always tomorrow?" Even Little Orphan Annie sang that "the sun will come out tomorrow." Well, the sun may come out tomorrow, but we're not guaranteed to see it; Dorothy didn't see the sun today. Her plans to visit my church again soon won't happen. If I were to die tonight, I know there's much I would be leaving undone and unsaid.

Two Bible verses quickly come to mind, as I think about life.
Psalms 144:4 - People are like a vapor, their days like a shadow that disappears.
James 4:14 - You do not know about tomorrow. What is your life like? For you are a puff of smoke that appears for a short time and then vanishes.

Life is but a vapor,
Fleeting and short,
Tomorrows are not promised,
So don't waste the todays,
Do it now, say it now,
Love with open arms.
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