Friday, June 26, 2009

The World of Tomorrow

Here is a "blast from my past," a poem I wrote in high senior year, I think.


I sometimes wonder where I'm going
I sometimes wonder where I'll be
I try to see the future
But I forget the future is inside me

I have to believe that someday
I'll make it in the world
The cold world of tomorrow
I am tomorrow
And when I shine
I make the world a better place

There isn't far to go
I just have to look inside to see
The beautiful world of tomorrow
And tomorrow is me

I dream of sun and grass and trees
And flowers all a bloom
The sea and the life it holds
As clear as it can be
The wind,
As it whistles through the trees,
Tells me the air is clean

I saddle my horse and ride through the hills
Content to let the sun fall on my back
I'm thinking of my future
And I laugh

For my mind
Holds the secrets
That tells me who I am
And who I'm going to be

In the world of tomorrow
The future is me.

Cute, isn't it? I wish I had a horse, but doubt that I'll ever have the money or space to have one. Oh well...LOL. I found this in a folder with some other poetry and stories I kept from my high school years. I'll have to get them scanned or typed into my computer for safe keeping.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Motions Resolution

Hi all,

To save anyone the trouble and curiosity, below is my "Motions Resolution" that I posted on the Matthew West web site (see previous blog entry).

"I've been fighting within my heart too long, refusing to fully give it to God and surrender the way the Bible describes. I've been afraid to release control and give it to Him, because I've been hurt before by others in control (who hasn't?) and that makes it harder. I really feel that's part of the reason that I have such a hard time with prayer. It requires the right kind of heart and mind and I've just been telling everyone that it's my "weak spot" to work on. When, in reality, I'm avoiding it altogether. I guess it's time I get down to business and quit avoiding what I know I need to do."

The Motions

It's amazing how songs can reflect the feelings of so many of us. Take "The Motions" by Matthew West. His lyrics speak of how he doesn't want to just cruise through life and just "go through the motions." He sings about living the passion that we're designed for. Aww forget it....he says it better than I could sum up. Go here to read about it and hear the song. If it speaks to your heart, you can buy it on I did. :-)

I always wonder how we can easily get caught up in useless things in our lives (TV, for example) and let important things go undone and unsaid. How we can left loved ones go unloved and our pets uncared for because were too busy doing nothing. I hadn't really thought much about it until I ran across an interesting site that gave "Ten Financial Reasons To Turn Off Your TV." It was really an interest read and then, I got caught up in reading some of the other articles posted there. Oops...yes, the internet can get classified as useless too, if you're just floating around there and not doing something specific.

I think I may start claiming one day a week "screen-free" and turn off TVs, video games, and computers. That way my family and myself can focus more on each other and doing things that engage our minds (and sometimes bodies) and start living life more.

With the time that can easily get eaten up in front of a screen, it's really no wonder I feel like I never get anything done, chores or otherwise. It sucks time and passion from my life (and yours too, I bet). Maybe finding the quiet time I need to establish a time for prayer and connecting with God is as simple as turning off the TV a little earlier each night and devote that time to God. I think I'll back over to Matthew's site and make my "Motions Resolution" right now.

God bless you everyone and I hope that you do more than go through "The Motions" in your life. ;-)
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