Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Save Me!

Hanging at the end of my rope
As the knot at the end unravels
I stretch out a hand...

Save me!
Pull me up
Before the abyss
Swallows me
I can't hold on any longer
I need to let go and
Turn my salvation over to you

You reach out
But I'm afraid to grab hold
How can I put my trust
In someone I don't know

Hanging by a thread
I no longer have the strength
To continue hanging on
I need you to...

Save me!
Pull me up
Before the abyss
Swallows me
I can't hold on any longer
I need to let go and
Turn my salvation over to you

Losing my grip
I finally reach out
You swoop me up
And make me yours

I wrote this shortly before becoming a Christian. Actually the final lines were written some time after the rest. When I originally wrote it, I couldn't decide on how it would all end. I was struggling with my path and hadn't made up my mind to follow Christ. Honestly, I still struggle to reach out and trust, but that's part of the journey. I know that all the "sad" songs will someday become worship songs as I break free of the past and move to the future. :-)
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