Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Many Thanksgivings

Though I can often be pessimistic in life (that's just my personality) I feel that there are many things to be thankful for this year. My family is generally in good health, mine and Ken's jobs are fairly stable, and our finances are comfortable. Much of the time I get caught up in the stresses of life and don't find time to appreciate the little things that come my way. I find myself pining after the latest Apple gear when what I have at home works well enough, even if it's a bit old, technologically speaking. I don't always appreciate my kid's unique personalities all the time and usually end up being more frustrated by them than anything. I dread the holidays because it means making room for a Christmas tree and cooking, when I can barely cook my way out of a Hamburger Helper box.

I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to change my general outlook, it seems to require more willpower than I have. If I had that kind of willpower I would have a good exercise program too and be much healthier (LOL). I don't really bother with New Year's Resolutions anymore, since I know how it will turn out. But anyways, enough of the downer stuff, below is a short list of things I need to remember to be thankful for:

My health,
My family's health,
I have a stable job (and can telecommute),
Ken has a stable job,
There is a roof over my head,
There is food in the refrigerator and cupboards,
I have clothes to wear,
The weather should be beautiful tomorrow,
My husband loves me,
My kids love me,
My pets love me (I think, LOL),
There are people that care about me and would miss me if I was gone,
I have a reliable car,
and the most important things to be thankful for.....


I hope everyone has a great and happy Thanksgiving and I hope you all have many things to be thankful for too.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The pitter patter of little feet

While I may be talking about a baby, it's not the human type I'm referring to. We brought home a kitten to add to our family this weekend. After changing her name ten or so times, we decided on Ahsoka. I would love to say it's been fun, but the adjustment for all of us has been hard so far. We already have a cat here at home, Tare, and, of course, she was not happy to have a new addition. We brought Ahsoka home Saturday morning and she cried all day and all night long. Today has been the first day she hasn't cried a whole bunch. Tare still hisses and growls at her and it will probably be a while before she will accept Ahsoka as a part of the family. Ahsoka seems to be getting real attached to Ken. I picked her up earlier to pet her and, after a few minutes, she wandered over to where Ken was sitting and fell asleep on his lap. She is still a little skittish and will run and hide when you walk up to her. Hopefully, Tare will soon settle down as well and they will be good companions for those days when everyone is out all day at school and work.
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